
St Ignatius CatholicPrimary School

Excellence Unity Service

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Catholic Social Teaching

At St Ignatius we teach our children about the principles of Catholic Social Teaching (CST). As Catholics, we believe that it is our role to help others in need and care for the world we have been given.

We fundraise regularly for a variety of charities chosen by the children.

The children have a weekly worship rooted in the principles of CST, and will often extend these ideas through reflection and action back in class. We encourage the children to live their faith, working with Catholic organisations such as Pax Christi, CAFOD, Caritas and the Catholic Children's Society among others.

Each year group has a principle upon which to focus. During Lent, the children use our Mini Vinnies' motto of 'turning concern into action'. We think about our concerns for each principle and then decide how we will take action.

You can click on each principle to find out more below.


Reception: Care for creation

Year 1: PeaceSVP Mini Vinnies

Year 2: Community and the Common Good

Year 3: Preferential Option for the Poor

Year 4: Dignity 

Year 5: Dignity of Workers

Year 6: Solidarity
