
St Ignatius CatholicPrimary School

Excellence Unity Service

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St Ignatius Catholic Primary School is part of the Ascension Catholic Academy Trust ACAT).


Published Trust Policies


Please refer to the ACAT Website for the following policies:


ACAT Financial Regulations

ACAT Data Protection Policy

ACAT Freedom of Information Policy

ACAT Privacy Notice for Alumni and School Leavers

ACAT Privacy Notice for the ACAT workforce

ACAT Privacy Notice for Job Applicants

ACAT Privacy Notice for Visitors

ACAT Privacy Notice for Parents, Carers and Pupils

ACAT Privacy Notice for Directors, Governors and Volunteers

ACAT Health,Safety and Welfare Policy

ACAT Risk Management Policy

ACAT Whistleblowing Policy

ACAT Complaints Policy

ACAT Safeguarding Statement of Intent

ACAT Freedom of Information Policy 

Paper copies of all documents on our website are available on request from the school office. 