
St Ignatius CatholicPrimary School

Excellence Unity Service

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Safety Curriculum

At St. Ignatius, we believe in empowering children to learn how to keep themselves safe. This develops their confidence, resilience and ability to make safe choices independently.


Safety is taught through PSHE lessons, visitors, workshops, themed weeks and special assemblies.


You will be able to view our Safety Curriculum overview (which is currently being finalised) to see how we teach children to stay safe across the school, any links to helpful websites, and some materials used in school, including assemblies.


Where possible, we have included links to support parents to discuss these topics with children at home. We hope you find it helpful!


After each safety assembly, we will upload the PowerPoint and any helpful links for parents in the section below.

Clever Never Goes teaches children how to make assessments about if a situation is safe or not, and reminds them that they should never go anywhere with someone they don't know, or someone they do know if it has not been planned.

You can find out more about Clever Never Goes here:
