Moral Development
Moral Development concerns the ways in which a child is able to act with fairness, kindness, love and respect for themselves and others, as well as make choices based on those values. Moral development takes place within the context of tradition, values, attitudes and teaching which celebrates and respects life, and creation as God’s gift.
The school:
· encourages pupils to develop an understanding of how to live the gospel values through our behaviour
· helps pupils to develop the skills and confidence to make decisions
Catholic Social Teaching
CST is about putting our faith into action by implementing the gospel values into our daily lives.
The Key Principles of CST
· The dignity of the human person
· We are called to live as family and community
· Rights and responsibilities
· We are called to stewardship
· An option for the poor and vulnerable
· The dignity and rights of workers
· Solidarity
At St Ignatius we try to reflect that we are called to ensure not just our own happiness, but happiness of all God’s children. We are part of a wider community. Our concern for the Common Good, the wellbeing of all, and the protection of our planet, is essential.
The search for social justice is rooted in respect for the dignity of every human person.
Love of neighbour embraces the whole of creation. It means working for a just society. We teach children about how to implement change through School Council and Eco Council.
It includes love for the poor which results in active support of our neighbours locally and globally. It requires us to love the weakest in society, especially the unborn. Love of neighbour means concern for truth and justice in this service of the Common Good. Love of neighbour extends even to our enemies who wish us harm.