
St Ignatius CatholicPrimary School

Excellence Unity Service

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Year 4

Class Emails

Curriculum Map

Here you will find a summary of what children in Year 4 will be learning each half term.

Home Learning

Every week, Y4 children will receive Home Learning to complete at home to support the learning in class. Home Learning will be set on a Wednesday and due back in school on a Monday. There will be one written task set in books, an online Maths task on MyMaths, a few games on Times Tables Rock Stars and a spelling task (this will start in the Autumn 2). Children all also expected to read every day and record what they have read in their reading record.


In addition, an Optional Home Learning Grid will be provided each half term. They are drawn from the topics and areas of study each half term. These tasks are designed to support and extend in these areas.

Christingle Liturgy

Here are the backing tracks and lyrics of the songs we will be performing for our Christingle Liturgy with Year 3. Try to practise singing these songs at home so we can put on our best performance possible in celebration of the birth of Christ.

Christingle Liturgy Songs

1. Christ Be Our Light

Christingle Liturgy Songs

2. Orange of Christingle

Christingle Liturgy Songs

3. Silent Night (Only the first 3 verses)

Christingle Liturgy Songs

4. We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Holy Week Liturgy

Here are the backing tracks and lyrics for the songs we will be performing in our Holy Week Liturgy at the end of the Spring Term. Try to practise these at home so we can put on the best performance possible in celebration of the Easter story.

Holy Week Liturgy Songs

1. Hosanna, Hosanna

Holy Week Liturgy Songs

2. This Is My Body

Holy Week Liturgy Songs

3. Were You There...

Holy Week Liturgy Songs

4. Servant King

Tea with the Teacher ppt
