Subject Vision Statement
“Dear young people, do not bury your talents,
the gifts that God has given you.
Do not be afraid to dream of great things!”
Pope Francis
At Saint Ignatius, we recognise the importance of PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, Economic Education) and the crucial role it has in developing the qualities and attributes pupils need to thrive as individuals. We strive to help pupils build their confidence, resilience and self-esteem through developing an understanding of themselves and others. We are committed to equip our pupils with the knowledge and skills necessary to make safe and informed decisions.
Our Curriculum
Through our teaching of PSHE we will make a significant contribution to pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. In order to ensure that these aims are met we will deliver our PSHE sessions using the scheme ‘SCARF’ provided by Coram Life Education. Our aim is to prepare our children for life outside of the classroom and to help them build skills which will allow them to protect and keep themselves safe in the wider community.
Extra opportunities
School council led by Mr Penson, where all children have a chance to express and voice their opinions, have a way to give feedback on their school and contribute to different areas of their environment.