
St Ignatius CatholicPrimary School

Excellence Unity Service

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At St Ignatius, we aim to deliver an excellent education to our children. We are continually evolving our curriculum to meet the needs of our children, and to help them achieve deeper knowledge and a life-long love for learning. 



St Ignatius is committed to upholding the distinctive, Christ-centred nature of Catholic Education, while meeting the requirements of the primary National Curriculum. We will support parents by delivering academic, physical, spiritual, moral and religious education in accordance with the teaching of the Church. We strive for excellence and challenge. The curriculum will be taught with the consideration of the needs of all learners. Our curriculum is exciting and will inspire children to nurture a love of learning, developing individual talents and the desire to work for the Common Good.



We are called to seek perfection in all areas of our lives. We give all children the opportunity to develop their talents to the full, and become lifelong learners who enjoy new experiences and gaining knowledge. We support this through creative and engaging lessons, carefully planned to make connections to other subjects and provide challenge to our children. We teach a diverse and captivating array of topics, chosen and sequenced carefully to build on children’s learning, consolidating and growing their skills and knowledge. Children take pride in their work and doing their best.



Each individual is made in God’s image and is loved by Him. All children are valued and respected as individuals, and will be supported to fulfil their own unique role in creation. We encourage children to take charge of own learning and embrace a ‘can do’ Growth Mindset approach. By putting the child at the heart of our learning, we ensure all are valued and aim to create learners for life, confident in their ability to make a contribution.



We believe that the human and the divine are inseparable. We aim to prepare all children for their lives as Christians in the wider community by developing the whole child. We offer high quality pastoral support to ensure that our children develop resilience, confidence and a love of learning. We place value on mental and emotional health, supporting children’s spirituality through prayer, meditation and reflection to experience God in their lives.



We value all children as individuals, and ensure we provide quality education for those who may be socially, academically, physically or emotionally disadvantaged. We aim to provide children with the skills to access and flourish in the outside world by providing a curriculum which is accessible for all. By providing enrichment and exciting opportunities, we promote an inclusive education where all children can achieve their potential.



We provide children an experience of life based on the Gospel values, and share our Catholic faith. Through Religious Education, Catholic Social Teaching and in our wider ethos, we prepare children to serve as witnesses to moral and spiritual values in the world, working for the Common Good. We encourage children to be active members of God’s Kingdom, contributing to the local and wider community and working for the benefit of all. Supported by British Values, the children learn to ‘be for others,’ and take an active part in child-led groups such as Caritas Ambassadors, School Council and Eco Council.



Below, you will find the curriculum maps for each year group so you can see what your child will be learning this year.


Curriculum Maps and Knowledge Organisers 2024-25
