School Council is a formal group of pupils who are elected by their peers to represent them and their views.
Pupil Voice Week
On the Monday 25th September 2023, we celebrated Pupil Voice Week at St Ignatius. Pupil Voice is all about giving children their right to share the views on things that affect them in school (as stated in Article 12 of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child).
House Captains
Our Year 6 children campaigned for votes to become their House’s Captain for this year. They designed campaign posters, wrote speeches and recorded them on video for all the children of the school to watch. The children then voted in their classes for their chosen candidate for their house.
Playtimes are such a valued part of the school day so this week children have been discussing in their classes why they value their playtimes so much and what problems they face that leads to them not enjoying a playtime. Each class has then come up with their own list of playtime rules which Mr Penson will bring together and work with the teaching staff to come up with a new set of playtime rules that have been created by everyone.
School Dinners
We decided to use Pupil Voice Week as an opportunity to hear from children how they think we could improve lunchtimes. Mrs Green organised a discussion meeting with a group of 11 pupils from across KS2 classes who regularly have school dinners and our school catering manager. During the meeting, the children came up with lots of innovative ideas for improving lunchtimes such as appointing Y5 and Y6 children to sit on the tables with younger pupils to model good eating practices and encourage trying new foods to changing and adding new menu items that children would enjoy. The meeting was a huge success and we are looking forward to seeing the changes coming in the near future.